Don't blame the time that passes quickly

Time is a series of times when the process of an event, change or state when an object takes place, 
the length of time for a particular thing to do something. There is too much time for us to daydream and time is wasted, so that time does not feel so quickly passed. 

without us knowing we have wasted valuable time and will never return. When time is fast running, we grumble "Why is the time really fast". Sooner or later time is just about our feelings about time, about the feelings we are experiencing. 

Whether it's hard or happy. Because clock speed is 1 second, that won't change. Suddenly we blame the time flies. whereas we do nothing. So it's actually not the wrong time. what's wrong is we are too slow to do anything. So respect the time, even the free time we have. do things that are positive and make us better. Start living intentionally. Don't always depend on the word " about you later, ahh what to do later" Learn to live intentionally based on the thoughts of the plans we have. Do it immediately, don't wait later. the day after tomorrow or the next year.

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